Fishing in Port Douglas
Reef fishing in Port Douglas is a must but lets not forget fishing the Port Douglas inlet… During March Nautilus Port Douglas Holiday Apartments had the pleasure of hosting one of Victoria`s most avid fishermen as a guest. Paul drove from Bendigo in Victoria (approx 3,500 km ) with his fishing boat and esky. He stopped along the way at a few good fishing holes before arriving at Nautilus Holiday Apartments in Port Douglas ready for a wonderful fishing and sightseeing adventure. So keen is Paul on his fishing that he headed off on his own to Port Douglas , his partner and a friend travelled in style (by plane) and arrived a day later.
Like any good fisherman on arrival to Port Douglas he had a few good stories to tell, one which involved a croc which was a little too close for comfort, the other about ones that got away!!
Not only does Paul enjoy a day fishing but he is also loves the Port Douglas way of life including trips to the Daintree and Cape Tribulation. Most mornings Paul loaded up his boat with gear for a morning or a day`s fishing and off he went leaving the girls to sleep or shop or just relax. Paul was good enough to take the complex manager out for a mornings fishing, they said “don`t worry about dinner we have it covered”, no such luck on that day we ate out !! The next day he took the girls out for a trip up the inlet, not too many fish were caught but they had a bit of fun got caught in the rain, not uncommon at this time of year.
Like most fishermen Paul loves a beer and what better way to spend the day with a rod in one hand and a beer in the other. Also a keen amateur photographer during the stay he took some wonderful photos of our beautiful region. As his partner Vicky said “it’s not all just about the fishing you
know” there`s just so much to see and do here.
Port Douglas Reef Charters
Port Douglas fishing is fantastic, there are various options for Port Douglas reef fishing trips you can take, full day or half day with a very experienced guide you will be amazed at the amount of information you can learn. You can go to the reef or up the inlet. Just check out the tides and the weather for the day and off you go!
During his stay with us Paul took some wonderful photos of the local area.
After 6 nights at Nautilus Holiday Apartments the girls were off home on the plane and Paul was heading back via a few tried and tested fishing spots. Everyone had a wonderful holiday and we hope to see them all again soon in Port Douglas, our beautiful part of the world.
Nautilus Port Douglas Resort are happy to help any traveller book any fishing charter to fish Port Douglas Reef or Inlet. ASk about our Great Barrier Reef fishing and accommodation packages or click here and make your own.